Halftime of Summer 2011

Alright, so this week marks the halfway point of my summer vacation.  I’ve been quite busy, as you all have hopefully read.  If you check back to my Goals of Summer post, you can see which items I’ve crossed off and what I still have left to do.  Overall, I’ve been quite happy with my progress and am excited to continue.  Especially since my bucket list items are left to go, but you’ll have to wait and see what those are going to be 🙂

Recently, I was at an SOL conference in Richmond and honestly, I’m too lazy to write about it again so why don’t you check out my post from last summer.  You’ll get the general idea of what I did for a week.  This year I was one of the more experienced members of the committee and actually enjoyed it more than last year.  I hope I get to go again next summer!

This weekend, I took off on a road trip with my little sister and her family to see her earn her white coat at the conclusion of her PA (Physician’s Assistant) program.  It was such an honor to attend and I am SO proud of her!  We had a wine and cheese dinner the night before, all crashed in a hotel suite together, then went to the ceremony on Sunday.  Pictures are up on Facebook if you’re curious.  Just a fun little mini-trip to bring an end to the first half of summer.  I’m trying to wash, organize, and reset for round two this week… happy midsummer’s everyone!

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